
Addie M. 100 Word Story



 Standing like a monolith, Eiffel stared into the abyss and started to cry. The once occasional tears that were gently running down her face turned into a long stream of something like octopus tentacles squirming from her red and swollen eyes. Kaylee was gone, she had fallen into the void, down into the never-ending galaxy. Eiffel’s face turned a pale white, and she melted onto the ground, sobbing. “But I didn’t mean to hit her that hard…” she thought. There was a noise, a piano, like in heartbreaking movies. Springing up, Eiffel whipped her body around to find Kaylee, opening her arms for a hug. Eiffel tried to run into her welcoming embrace but woke up crying and petrified.  

The First Day by Elena

“It’s almost time!” My mom yelled. “Ok” I said in a shaky voice. I checked my backpack like 5 times to make sure I had everything I needed.

On the sixth time checking my backpack, my mom got up from her chair and said, 

“Hey kiddo, we gotta go!”

“Coming!” I said

We got into the car and drove off.

It felt like forever, but we finally got there. Adrenalyn pulsing through my body, and my hands trembling, I ran up and down the unfamiliar hallways, passing a sea of backpacks as I tried to find the classroom. It was probably one of the most intense, yet exciting moments of my life. A couple minutes later, I found myself in my first-period class, English in room 5. The classroom was filled with stuff like books, pencils, clocks, and STICKY NOTES. My teacher must have loved sticky notes because they were EVERYWHERE. 

We started working on an assignment on the computer, but I’m not great with computers, and I got frustrated. My face flushed red like a tomato. I clenched my hand into a fist, and hit the trackpad on my computer, but I didn’t mean to hit it that hard…

100 word story by maddy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20, here I come I was it for hid and one was in sight the air was silent it was dark and I was in the basement. “I see you avery”. but it was not avery. It was midnight,  30 minutes later no one was down there my friends were not in the basement. I went up 30 minutes pass no one was in the was 1:00 am, it was getting late  “time for outside”. I told myself. Guys we are not allowed to go out here I will count to ten and you have to be inside ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9…….. 10 there was still no sound so I grab my phone and put the flash on my friend’s phones were on the ground and someone or something was griping on a tree I shined the light on it then it was gone. Scared, lonely I went up to the tree but I was not getting closer.





The Forest By AJ P.

I enter the forest, looking for my sister. It’s 11:00 am, my sister disappeared an hour ago, while we were playing tag, she entered the forest and I haven’t seen her since. I see a bush rustling in the corner of my eye, my heart is pounding, I see two arms covered in moss reach out of the middle of a tree. I scream, two bright red eyes glaring at me with a mouth, riddled with razor-sharp teeth. The eyes are getting closer, I start running, closer and closer, I hear the creature, heavily breathing in my ear. I turn my head to see a twisted face, a grueling body, and daunting claws, inches from my face, the creature lurches towards me, everything goes dark. I wake up to a relieving conclusion: it was just a dream.

My Hike by Elena

My shoes, which were now icy and almost frozen from the snow, made a “crunch” on the icy ground as I walked along the trail.

 “I love hiking,” 

I said to myself, out of breath from walking up a hill.  My breath froze and rose up into the air.  I giggled.

I kept walking along the trail, looking at all the beautiful trees, when I came across one with some strange brown arms wrapped around it. The trunk of the tree was now all scratched up. I went to the other side of the tree to see what strange creature was there. It was a baby bear. It was so cute. It seemed to be hiding from something, but I didn’t see anything it could have been hiding from.  I stared at the creature, wondering where it’s mother was. I was still looking at it, wondering, when I heard something. I whipped my head around and saw what I think was the cub’s mother. I slowly backed away and ran the rest of the way back to my car, but satisfied with my walk. The cub had found its mother.

Under the sea by Sophia I

Hi, my name is Jessica, but most people call me Jess. I live under the sea and my best friend is a gentle octopus, his name is Springing because I found him Springing on a jellyfish. The day today is June 5, 1988. I really want to go off of land to see the white rushing water and hear the birds chirping that sounds that a magical piano. But the only problem is… I want to take Springing with me. He will be so sad if I leave for some human world. How do I even know I can go on land? I swam to my father’s cave and asked “Hey dad, and underwater people go on land?” He jolted his eyes down at me. “Why do you want to go on land?!” He yelled. I softly told him.“Ummm, I was just wondering,”. “Well, no we can not go on land.” He told me. I started crying.


Dylan H. 100 word challenge


The white octopus, named Sheporamen, gentle and calm, swam in the water not knowing where he was. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!” Sheporamen screamed swimming away after seeing a shark. Shepo ( Sheporamen’s nickname) released his black “ink” and got away, not knowing who the shark really was. The very next day the octopus was eating algae when he heard a noise, it sounded like a piano. All of a sudden that same shark attacked the octopus unexpectedly. The white octopus went springing off the underwater rock and swam away from the shark. “OCTO!” The white octopus’s friend yelled,” You O.K?”

Michael 100 Word Story

Hi, my name is Gamora Hooshkabob Lea Voldemort Ortensia Vanderbolt. I am a professional piano player the lives in the Pacific Ocean. I am an Octopus with a white piano and I play it all the time. My pet Lora Sorentara Mussakl Yaslum Ripora Kincle is very gentle and calm but sometimes he goes crazy and is springing around the kelp forest. But one day a Megaladon came to the kelp forest and is roaming around to this very day. Wait. . . Where is Lora Sorentara Mussakl Yaslum Ripora Kincle! He got eaten by the Megaladon! Oh, wait he is right there. Hahaha!

100 Word Story – 3/4/22 – Josie Caite

Sprinkling, gentle clouds surrounded the afternoon sky in Brooklyn, New York. Light drops of rain showered cars that were slowly passing by brick apartment buildings. 


Small shops with checkered white awnings lined the bottoms of most buildings, people crowded underneath the awnings as the rain gradually sprinkled harder. Everything seemed to be stirring down for the afternoon.


Suddenly, a small jazz band of octopuses began jamming and springing themselves around, gripping a piano in each tentacle. 

Every one of the people under the awning clapped and cheered, not surprised or frightened at all that there was a group of octopuses performing jazz.


It’s Not What it seems (By: Ella)

                                                                                  It’s Not What It Seems

Look there you see him the white octopus in the corner?  He seems so gentle but it’s not what you think. At 12:00 am, he squeezes from his tank and slides across the floor. He silently slips and does not leave a single drip. He leaps onto the stool and plays a devilish tune his 8 tentacles springing across the keys. No! Cover your ears, for if you hear, your darkest dreams shall come true. You don’t, believe me, do you? HA, I don’t care, listen now and you will regret it in a second.