Archive by Author | cdeiparine28

Moving Day 100 Word Challenge by Claire D

It was finally moving day! I was leaving for my new life and I couldn’t wait. I packed my boxes tight with my belongings and stuffed them until they could burst at any second. Now, the only thing I needed to worry about was how I was going to haul my loads downstairs. I took a look around my bedroom for the last and final time. Then I picked up one of the boxes with the help of my mom. I held it tight, but I was heavier than I expected. When all the loading was done, we were off.

100 Word Challenge by Claire D

As the morning light flooded the streets, a strange sight was waiting. A  yellow bike lay standing against a tree. A zip tie held it close and kept it from going anywhere. I wasn’t sure who put it there, but they sure did have a strange way of racking their bike! A normal day lay ahead of us; however, the bike threw me off track a bit and made the normalness of the day feel wacky. The birds even seemed to think it was strange. What a sight! A bike held up against a tree, not a normal one bit

100 Word Challenge by Claire D

Abby, a 16-year-old girl, learned how to drive today. Her mom taught her the basics of driving. Abby used her parent’s car and promised them she wouldn’t scratch it.

Abby stuck the car keys in the ignition and the car started! When it just wouldn’t take off, Abby realized she was parked and then shifted the car into gear. Abby’s mom got in the passenger seat and directed her to back out of the driveway.

“Now, Abby, push the gas pedal and make sure you hang onto the wheel,” her mom said.

“Alright! I think I got this!” Abby said.