COVID Strikes (I just found this; it might seem a little outdated)

February 29, 2020

“Hello, France, Europe, and whoever else is watching! I am a virologist, and my name is Dr. Sandlon. My friend here, the news reporter, has invited me to be on this news show to talk about this new virus, called the Coronavirus, or COVID-19.” explained Dr. Sandlon as he turned on his projector and pulled up a photo of a Coronavirus. Dr. Sandlon is a tall man, who is wearing a lab coat. He has dark skin and frizzy black hair that goes down to his shoulders, and jade green eyes. The news reporter, whose name is Maddow, is about 5 and a half feet tall and wears a dark jacket. She has dark hair, which is quite short. She also has dark glasses and eyes.

“Today is February 29th, and today there were 43 new cases of COVID-19,” Maddow said in response. 

“Yes, and we will have to go into quarantine, so the virus won’t spread. From now on, you will be expected to stay six feet apart and wear a mask. And please only go out when necessary. Thank you.” said Dr. Sandlon.

“I will see you at the end of each month, with an update.” 


March 31, 2020

“Hello! I am Dr. Sandlon, the virologist, as you know me from last month,” exclaimed Dr. Sandlon as he walked into the room. “Today has been the peak of new cases. There were 7,578 new cases!”

Wow. That’s a lot. 

“I would give you more details, but I am needed at a lab in San Francisco, USA. I will not be able to come next month either, but I will be back on May 31”


May 31, 2020

“Hi everyone, today there were only 257 new cases. I hope there will be less soon, but today was today, and we can’t change anything about it,” explained Dr. Sandlon as he walked into the room, holding a banana in his hand. “The Coronavirus has slowed down over the course of the last couple of months. I hope that by the end of next month it will be completely diminished. In the meantime, you are still expected to wear a mask and stay socially distanced.”

“When will we be able to go back to work and school?” asked Maddow.

“We do not know yet. Soon, I hope.”

“Well, that is the end of our time, see you at the end of next month.”


To be continued…

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